Weight tracker:

Friday, January 29, 2010

Adventures in Running

Twice this week while running at 4a.m. I have come across Pepe' the Skunk. The first time I was a good 100 meters from him, but yesterday morning we were about 25 meters away, and I think we were both scared!

I've never been sprayed by a skunk, but I really don't want to try a tomato bath to get rid of the scent if I were to get sprayed.

The most recent incident had us dancing to avoid each other in the middle of the street.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Food journal

What an eye-opening experience. Have you ever actually written down everything you eat in a day? Then went and found all the nutritional information for everything?

Ok, so, admittedly, I've not only fallen off the wagon, but the horse already trampled me and the cloud of dust from his (of course its a male horse) hooves are but a speck on the horizon. Wagon? What wagon? Seriously, though. I had to write down my daily food intake in a journal. I only got through one day before I could see a pattern. I eat when I'm bored or stressed out. Which has been the most over-consuming part of my life recently. I'm either stressed out because of work, or I'm so tired from work that I have no motivation.

I also haven't been to the gym in 6 days because I have been busy. Planning the company Halloween party (at MY house), and all the cleaning, running around, cooking and other preparations that a party entails; and figuring out childcare for my daughter; working 10 hour days with almost 2 hours of commuting; attending Bible study and church; and trying to maintain my relationships, who has time for an elliptical?

If you ever have a chance to do a food journal - pretty much all you need is a pen and paper - you should totally do it! My challenge to you: write down everything you eat for an entire week. Include the time of day, your mood when you ate, and the social situation you were in when you ate. At the end of the week tally up all your calories, fat, saturated fat, cholesterol and sodium. You can go to www.calorieking.com to get the nutritional information for most foods. This will greatly help in your quest for svelte-dom!

Monday, September 29, 2008

The holidays are upon us...

Ugh! I absolutely love the holidays, but this is the worst possible time to be surrounded by sweets and all the savory goodies that accompany this time of year.

I have my famous cheesecake that I have perfected over the past few years, but I have also created a (somewhat) healthier version of the delectable dessert. Substituting fat free cream cheese and 1/2 the sugar for Splenda, I've taken a few of the calories out. I'm not too keen on the taste Splenda gives things though.

Anyway, I'm really trying to get this weight off of me. My daughter is now 9 months old and I'm still12 pounds away from pre-preggo weight. My goal is to lose those last 12 pounds by her first birthday. 9 months to gain it, 12 months to lose it. I guess that sounds about right. I'm trying to be more strict with my diet.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fell off the wagon!

Well, girls and boys, I'm sorry to say that I fell off the wagon. After getting into a car accident in mid-August I spent two weeks not doing any exercise at all. And of course I was in pain and felt sorry for myself, so what did I do? I ate! I gave myself free reign to eat whatever I want, and boy, did I! After losing six pounds, I gained it all back since the accident.

I had planned on running a race this Saturday, but seeing as I haven't run much in the past five weeks, I don't feel adequately prepared to run a 10K race this weekend!

I'm starting working out again slowly, but man am I disappointed in having gained all that weight back! BLAST!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Weigh in - August 3, 2008

Weighed in at the gym today. Currently weighing 185lbs. Only 10 pounds to go for pre-baby weight, 25lbs for my goal weight by next June.

Nutrition Log for Sunday

I've noticed I tend to snack on things that are not so good for me, so I decided to start keeping track of everything I eat!

0600: Just getting off work and need a little "pick-me-up"
1 serving of Kozy Shack Tapioca pudding (no sugar added)______________ 80 Calories

1115: Can't sleep and completely starving, feeling a little weak
1 Thomas' whole wheat english muffin ____________________________ 130 Calories
1.5 tbsp all natural almond butter ______________________________ 152 Calories

1430: Getting ready to go to the gym
1 medium banana ______________________________ 105 Calories
2 scoops of N.O. Explode mixed w/ water __________________________ 50 Calories

1630: Done at the gym
1 Tuna sandwich w/ relish on whole wheat ________________ approx. 400 Calories

1830: Got to work, need coffee... ____________ 90 calories

1930: Feeling a little weak again, dinner time!
1 Chicken Fajita Pita on whole grain pita (Jack in the Box) _______________ 210 Calories
1 small (20 oz) Iced tea _______________ 5 Calories
1 small side salad (didn't eat much of it, lettuce was brown) ______________ 57 Calories

As of 8 p.m. 1279 calories.

Update: 0040 Hours Monday 8/04/08
I didn't make it, but at least I know why, now...

Between 8pm and midnight I ate about 10 hershey's kisses and numerous other chocolate sweets, a FiberOne bar, 20 chocolate chips, an 8 oz diet coke, a one serving box of Smart Start cereal, and a handful of Cheez-Its. Hmm, I think I got everything...

I also looked up my daily caloric expenditure and to maintain my weight, with my level of activity, I would need to consume almost 3200 calories a day (this also includes 300 calories because I'm breastfeeding). In short, my body craves the extra calories because it puts itself into starvation mode otherwise. It looks like I'm going to have to start packing much bigger lunches so that I don't fall into the hunger trap of eating anything (and everything) around me!

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Rest Day

Yesterday I did a killer back and biceps workout before running the reservoir.

I started with a 16 minute warm-up on the elliptical (burning approx. 200 calories) then went straight to the weight room.

Something about the pull-up machine is equally daunting and sexy to me. While I love the feeling that I'm super-strong by doing pull-ups, the machine is weight-assisted, so I actually look okay performing the exercise, and get a pretty good workout in the process. The way it works is your knees rest on a moving bunch sort of thing and the more weight you put onto the machine, the more of your actual body weight you are lifting. So... I pulled (negative) 120 pounds which would equal only 65 pounds of weight while I was doing the exercise. I did 3 sets of 8 on this machine.

Between sets of pull-ups I did 3 sets of barbell curls. 40 lbs X 10 reps each set.

I then moved to the cable row machine.
75 lbs. X 12/12/10

V-ups (between row sets) @